Capital idea
Nestled in the heart of the vibrant city centre, the Hilton London Metropole is the last word in bespoke business meetings and tailor-made city breaks
Founded by the Romans in 71 AD, York has a rich and colourful history and has seen a number of significant battles through several invasions, not to mention the fact it was the birthplace of a certain Guy Fawkes. Today it is nicknamed the City of Festivals for the near continuous celebrations of everything from […]
Talk to any Mancunian and he’s likely to agree; the IRA bomb that hit the city centre in 1996 was one of the best things that could have happened to the city. The opportunity for whole-scale regeneration was grasped with both hands, transforming the city centre into a thriving retail and business community to rival […]
“If you’re tired of London, then you’re tired of life”. That was the verdict of Samuel Johnson. And its true; this most cosmopolitan of cities continues to attract immigrants from around the world who often find it very hard to leave. Much of Britain suffered an identity crisis following the fall of the Empire; London […]
Newcastle Upon Tyne
Newcastle has often felt on the English margin; tucked away on the north-east coast, closer to Scotland than most other English cities yet with a dialect that remains the closest thing to Anglo-Saxon in the country. Subsequent wool, coal and steel industries have long since fallen into decline and after a long history of adversity […]
“And that sweet city with her dreaming spires, she needs not June for beauty’s heightening.” Perhaps not, but catch your first sight of those ancient turrets in the full light of the glorious summer sun and you may be forgiven for believing you’d stumbled upon El Dorado. Beyond the hubbub of the central city streets […]
The first view of Bath from the top of the emerald valley in which it sits is one that lives long in the memory; perfectly preserved, it looks almost like a museum model of a sixteenth century settlement. There’s been a city here since AD 43 and the ornate stone architecture amid the leafy green […]
New venues, new visions
There is an old saying that “What Manchester does today, the rest of the world does tomorrow;” and the city’s innovative nature is still thriving
The UK is both one nation and four – the English may casually switch allegiance between Britain and England but ask a Scot his nationality and he will always say he is a Scot. Moreover, the UK is teeming with Poles, Indians, Aussies, Jews, Turks, Saffers and hundreds of other races, while restaurants serve everything […]