Tourists are having a bad trip on counterfeit ayahuasca
Ayahuasca tourism may have brought economic opportunity to rural South American communities, but the rampant commercialisation of the drug is threatening its spiritual roots
Guyana appeals to North American tourists
Despite its many wonders, Guyana is not as well known as its larger South American neighbours. But efforts to market the country to North American tourists mean that visitor numbers are set to rise
Located on the beautiful east coast of Brazil, Riocentro brings together modern technology and South American style
Conferencing in South America takes off
South America is a rising star on the radar of the international conference industry. The continent’s stunning natural scenery is increasingly being matched by equally impressive conference facilities, often comparable to the best in the world. RioCentro, Brazil RioCentro is, as the name suggests, situated in the internationally renowned city of Rio de Janeiro. When […]