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Pole position

Poland’s glorious cities are already gearing up to host the 2012 European Cup competition. Roger St. Pierre takes a whistlestop tour


Know your Krakow

Poland is undergoing something of a renaissance: minor blips aside, its economy has been growing since its ascension into the EU in 2004. Productivity is up, unemployment is down, infrastructure is improving, they are co-hosting – along with the Ukraine – the 2012 European Championships and there’s a tangible prosperity about the place. Steven Rowland explores a city on the up


Picture of Poland

With a past boasting more setbacks than a TV repair shop, Poland has done well to join the swelling ranks of vogue weekend destinations cropping up all over Eastern Europe, luring young westerners with bargain flights, stunning scenery and cheap beer, as Paul Evans find out


Warsaw: Poland’s spring

The sun is rising in the east, illuminating the cultural delights of central Europe. Nowhere is this more apparent than in the gothic charm of Warsaw. Lucia Cockcroft enlightens us



Poland is a country of vast forests, moving sand dues and unique wetlands, with 21 national parks and six UNESCO World Biosphere Reserves. The coast is blessed with some gorgeous beaches while the Great Malsurian Lakes in the north-east lure hikers and sailing enthusiasts alike. Then there are the stunning Carpathian Mountains to the south […]



When the King of Poland used to visit Gdansk, he would pass along the Royal Way; through great archways of stone adorned with proud statues and fierce, golden lions; beneath Gothic terraces and Georgian spires of ochre and burnt umber; finally towards the Renaissance Green Gate where the emblems of Prussia, Poland and Gdansk shine […]
