Tourists are having a bad trip on counterfeit ayahuasca
Ayahuasca tourism may have brought economic opportunity to rural South American communities, but the rampant commercialisation of the drug is threatening its spiritual roots
Machu Picchu is struggling under the weight of legend
Machu Picchu has become synonymous with travel to Peru, creating a double bind for the country’s tourism sector that’s hard to resolve
Lima currently sits in first place in the Americas and 26th globally in the ICCA congress destination rankings
Hotel Monasterio, Cuzco, Peru
Located in the heart of Cuzco, Peru, Hotel Monasterio is the perfect base to explore the historic capital of the Inca Empire
Cruising for success
If you’ve ever wondered what it’s like to gently cruise through wonders of the rainforest in perfect luxury, then Delfin Amazon Cruises has just the trip for you
Conferencing in South America takes off
South America is a rising star on the radar of the international conference industry. The continent’s stunning natural scenery is increasingly being matched by equally impressive conference facilities, often comparable to the best in the world. RioCentro, Brazil RioCentro is, as the name suggests, situated in the internationally renowned city of Rio de Janeiro. When […]
Luxury Amazon cruises
If all that jet-setting has made your head spin take a slower-paced journey to heart of the Amazon rainforest, with a unique travel experience from Delfin Amazon Cruises
Peru has a fascinating historical legacy; home to some of the oldest known civilisations since 6000BC, it was conquered by the Incas in the 15th century before the Spanish took control in the 16th. Few places on earth is this ancient historical legacy more visible and more accessible; Machu Pichu and the Nazca lines are […]
As a nation, Peru suffers from a veritable embarrassment of riches when it comes to natural beauty and pre-Columbian heritage. So for a long time Lima has simply left the rest of the country to it and gotten on with the business of being the capital. As a result, it is often overlooked by travellers, […]