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The Mirrorcube, Harads, Sweden

Top 6 hotels built into the landscape

Business Destinations explores six hotels that don’t interrupt the landscape but integrate with it, allowing guests to enjoy the tranquillity of nature’s architecture

Across the globe, so-called ‘supermalls’ are struggling in the face of changing retail habits and a shift to online commerce, which is robbing them of millions of customers

Supermalls suffer amid e-commerce boom

So-called ‘supermalls’ have exploded in popularity in recent years, even becoming destinations in themselves. However, as consumers increasingly shift towards e-commerce, their survival is in serious jeopardy

LendIt Fintech USA

Business events to attend in spring 2019

This spring, Challenges of Europe will head to Croatia, while San Francisco welcomes the very best minds in the fintech sector

Take a stroll around Havana, Cuba’s capital, today and you could be forgiven for thinking that you’ve travelled back to 1950s America

The Cuban thaw goes cold

The US’ reversal of the Cuban thaw was denounced as a step backwards for the pair’s frosty relationship. While it may have allowed the island nation to retain its character, it has also hugely restrained the Cuban economy

In 2014, Huaorani natives marched through Quito in an effort to ban oil drilling in Yasuni National Park

Ecuador must act sustainably as it exploits mineral reserves

The Ecuadoran Government has grand plans for its mining industry, hoping to make the most of the country’s rich natural resources. In order to do so sustainably, it will need to consider the rights of its indigenous communities

Art Basel, Hong Kong

Cultural events to enjoy in spring 2019

Spring 2019 brings with it a host of cultural events, from Latin America’s biggest celebration to a day of filial piety in China

More than sea-mantics: the legal status of the Caspian Sea

For decades, the question of how to delimit the Caspian Sea among its five surrounding states has proven unanswerable. Last year’s landmark convention provided a breakthrough that may deliver commercial and security benefits

Kelly Slater, an 11-time World Surf League men’s champion, has created a wave machine capable of producing competition-standard waves with unerring regularity

Artificial waves are bringing surfing to the masses

The decision to use artificial wave machines on the professional surfing circuit has divided opinion. While controversial, this technology could give the niche sport greater mainstream appeal

For some time, Majorca has been one of the most popular destinations for cycling holidays worldwide. But now there’s another contender in the race to be Europe’s best cycling destination: Girona

Tour de Girona: cycling finds a new destination of choice

Offering varied terrain and an ideal climate all year round, Girona is a cyclist’s dream. As further services emerge to cater to cycling tourists specifically, more people are riding through this Catalonian gem

Set in the former home of the Finnish Literature Society, Hotel St George boasts a trademark design created by the celebrated Finnish architect Onni Tarjanne

Stop over in the stylish design capital of Finland

With Finnair offering stopovers in Helskini for flights between Europe and Asia, the 2012 design capital is an appealing destination for international travellers

The Turkish Stars perform at the opening ceremony of Istanbul Airport

Turkey faces turbulence with airport project

Turkey wants its new Istanbul Airport to become the largest in the world. But despite promising projections, the mega-project appears to lack substance