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Meet in the middle

Its facilities are impressive and the surrounding landscape even more so; Quorum Quito is helping to transform Ecuador’s capital into a business haven

Peak time

Sports, from the extreme to the serene, surround visitors to Verbier St Bernard. With the addition of exquisite gastronomy and constant entertainment, the resort has something to offer everyone


Our pick of the best of Marakesh


In the art of the city

Once barren, bleak and dangerous, the streets of downtown Johannesburg are now paved with galleries, bars and cultural delights thanks to an art-inspired regeneration scheme


EU Horizons

Croatia is months away from joining the EU, despite continuing discontent among certain sections of society. We investigate what accession might mean for the former Yugoslav state


Duck!? No, Turkey and about to take off…

Property investors looking for a destination with some positive indicators and a definite feel-good factor should consider Turkey

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A good long look at Long Island

When you’re on Long Island exquisite leisure and business facilities are always within a short distance, making this lesser-known meeting place both accessible and affordable

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The gifts and curses of black gold

Home to some of the world’s largest oil reserves, Alberta has seen huge economic benefits from an expanding energy sector. Michal Zuk examines how petroleum has helped shape the western Canadian province for better and for worse

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City guise

Because tourists, investors, and skilled workers have choices, competition between cities is heating up. Michal Zuk examines some strategies employed by metropolitan marketers to one-up their equally ambitious rivals

Is this Korea life?

North Korea is still a conundrum to the outside world. Pictures released from the notoriously insular nation are often at odds with the accounts of daily life from defectors and rare visitors. Rita Lobo takes a closer look at the Democratic People’s Republic


Island investment

With companies eager to invest in emerging markets, Mauritius’ tempting combination of low tax rates and bilateral agreements has made it an important base for foreign investment


Cuba libre!

Raúl Castro has been busy since inheriting power from his brother Fidel. Tentatively following in the footsteps of China and Vietnam, Castro hopes to make the controversial island competitive again. Rita Lobo investigates his progress